by Estefania Torres

It is me, Estefania, here to share a couple of updates on the project as it comes to a close. I just had my final presentation. It is bittersweet, to say the least, to let this go, but it will be an experience I’ll cherish for the rest of my life.
Not that long ago, at eleven years-old, I remember doing a career-plan presentation. Where I stood up in front of my class to discuss three potential careers. At the top of my list was becoming a designer. Never did I think that in a couple years down the road I would be stitching, patternmaking, and curating gowns for my friends. But here I am, writing about a two-year project where I did just that. I designed dresses.
This project has taught me more than merely what was within the lengthy seminar research paper I wrote at the end of my Junior year. Every time I sat down to design my next project, sew the next dress, or take measurements for the dresses, I was filled with joy. I looked forward to seminar every week. This was the class where you walked into a room filled with creative juices. I do not want to fill this essay with boasts of this class because nothing is perfect. However, if everyone could take it, I would recommend it without a doubt.
“I will apply many of the lessons I learned here often into my life. I learned about confronting hardships, perseverance, and even writing an essay using peer-reviewed journals."
Unlike many of my courses I’ve taken, I will apply many of the lessons I learned here often into my life. I learned about confronting hardships, perseverance, and even writing an essay using peer-reviewed journals (although, I don’t think I will be writing too many of those in my life). I even had my first all-nighter! I stayed up finishing a gown and practicing for my final presentation a couple of days ago. And I honestly do not regret a second of it!
Towards the end of my Junior year and some of my Senior year, I lacked motivation and trust in myself to make a dress. I was constantly afraid that I would fail. I didn’t realize until later that it was okay to fail. This was my first time making big pieces. AND for other people. I just needed to learn from my mistakes. One of which helped me build stronger friendships-- forgetting to ask for help. It is an easy thing to do, yet sometimes everyone forgets to do it. I found help through my friendships, mentors, and even an expert seamstress, Abuelita. Abuelita guided me along several of my sewing projects. She was almost like the parent who held the handlebars for me while I practiced pedaling. In this case, fabricating a dress.
Lastly, to whomever reads this, please take this course as a class, but enjoy it as much as possible. Meet new people! Try new things! Get out of your comfort zone! All of these things are easier said than done, but wherever your journey takes you, remember to have fun.