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  • Senior Reflection

My Biggest Obstacle, Myself

by Ricardo Romaldo

Ricardo's podcast is on iTunes! Subscribe today!

Over the course of this two year long project I didn’t run into any obstacles that I couldn’t fix myself. I was in complete control of my project which allowed me to go at my own pace and hold myself accountable.

Although I was in complete control of project, I still struggled internally on whether I wanted to finish this project. Over the course of two years I debated with myself on whether or not I wanted a podcast to be my project. I was indecisive and whenever the most minor mishap occurred, I felt like carrying out the podcast would be difficult.

I felt like I chose a project that required expensive equipment and experience, and I was inexperienced using borrowed sub par equipment. Because of the lack of equipment and experience, I began to doubt myself.

My frustration with the resources I had and not being where I wanted be, on iTunes, was a huge setback for my project. I began to lack motivation and the willingness to meet goals I had set. I got sloppy with the podcast I was producing and it showed in the quality of each episode.

I became my biggest obstacle. The frustration, self doubt, and lack of motivation gave me every reason to quit. It wasn’t worth it to keep working something I wouldn’t be proud of.

“I became my biggest obstacle."

I was about to quit. I wanted to choose another project. I told my brother about the situation I was in and he gave me some words of advice. He told me that I had already invested so much time and effort into my project that it made no sense to quit. He advised I should finish the project and put in 110% so at least when I look back at the project I could at least say that I tried. I agreed with him and decided to go through with it.

Once I was determined to finish the project to the best of my abilities everything came easy. I eventually got on iTunes, produced the seven episodes I said I was going to, and got some listens. I finished my project and was I was proud of it as a whole, although I was not as pleased with the quality of the episodes. I recognized I was my only obstacle and pushed through it. It was difficult but I managed.

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